Archive for the ‘Maples (Acer)’ Category

Planting Small Trees Under Power Lines

Look Up before you plant. From city streets to country roadside are a myriad of power (utility) lines, e.g. electric, telephone, and cable TV wires. Utility companies have a “right of away” clearance to operate their lines. In most municipalities, mature trees growing into their lines can be cut down or all offending branches removed. Large trees often end […]

Selecting A Good Landscape Shade Tree

Medium to large shade trees increase the value of your property. Their summer shade and wintry wind protection may also reduce utility bills by 20 to 25%. Trees attract wild birds for nesting, protection, and as a food source. Some deciduous species will brighten up the landscape with dazzling fall color.  Choosing a fast growing tree, yet some may not […]

Fertilizing Trees And Shrubs

Maintaining good  plant nutrition is of key importance. A tree and shrub which is growing vigorously can resist infestation from most diseases and insects. Symptoms of poor nutrition: pale green or chlorotic leaves; undersized plants;  slower annual growth rate; many dead or dying branch tips; increased insect/disease problems. Trees under 10 years of age should be fertilized annually. There is little need to […]

Fall – Winter Pruning Dos and Don’ts

Pruning is a chore that you don’t need to put off until spring. Many trees and shrubs may be pruned this autumn. However,  NOT all landscape trees and shrubs are pruned.  Here are some pruning guidelines to follow: WAIT to  prune spring flowering deciduous shrubs such as Forsythia, Lilac, Bridal Wreath & Vanhoutte Spireas, Quince, Viburnums, Fothergilla, […]

Stunningly Beautiful Three-Flowered Maple

Three flower maple (Acer triflorum), often called trifoliate maple, is native to eastern Asia (USDA hardiness zones 4-7). The latter pseudonym is misleading as A. triflorum is actually one of many compound-leafed maples identified as “trifoliate maples”. This small deciduous understory maple typically grows 2o-25 feet tall with a densely-branched, rounded crown. Specimens often grow to 35-40 feet in height range. The […]

Select A Good Street Or Landscape Tree

First of all, there is no perfect tree, either for a street or landscape planting. However, many excellent cultivars are now available at local nurseries and retail garden centers. Select one that matches your site requirements. Site factors include: amount of sunlight daily, soil type, soil pH (acidity or alkalinity), and soil drainage. What kind of […]

Common Street and Landscape Trees

Across the U.S. and Canada, city planners, landscape architects, and property owners now enjoy a wide selection of landscape trees to plant on city streets, along roadsides, and in yards and gardens. Over the past half century new and improved varieties (cultivars) are disease and pest resistant and exhibit better branching and architecture. We now know to avoid […]

Protect New Trees From Winter Sunscald

Across the northern U.S. and Canada, cold temperatures can damage many plants. Wide fluctuations in temperature can be particularly detrimental to newly planted landscape and fruit trees from late fall to early spring.  Street trees are particularly susceptible. Sun scald is described by elongated, sunken, dried, or cracked areas of dead bark, usually on the […]

Don’t Totally Dislike All Box Elder Trees

Box elder (Acer negundo) is a native fast-growing and suckering medium-sized tree (USDA hardiness zones 4b-8).  Branches are weak wooded and easily damaged in wind and ice storms. Box elder grows almost anywhere in any average soil, medium to wet, and in full sun. The species fails on a shady site. This weedy maple is […]

How Drought Affects Our Landscape Trees*

Long term drought can be devastating on landscape and woodland trees. An environmentally stressed tree must expend additional energy to survive. Extremes of drought leads to decreases in trunk diameter and height growth, declining resistance to pests and diseases, less food production via photosynthesis, and in flower and fruit production. Symptoms of drought stress include wilted […]