Best of The Oakleaf Hydrangeas (So Far)

‘Snowflafe’ oakleaf hydrangea

Fall leaf color of ‘Snow Queen’

More than 30 available oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) cultivars, you can select the perfect specimen to complement any size garden USDA hardiness zones 5 -9). Oakleaf hydrangea is a native plant that delights gardeners with four seasons of distinct features. In spring, oak-shaped leaves are followed by summer’s white-panicled flowers. When it sheds its colorful leaves in autumn, they reveal cinnamon-colored exfoliating bark that adds texture to the winter garden.

Oakleaf hydrangeas are native to the southeastern United States, and hardy in oakleaf hydrangea adapts better to different climates than the recognizable bigleaf hydrangea with mophead blooms.

Its superior disease resistance makes this shrub a low-maintenance choice for beginning gardeners. Oakleaf hydrangea are tolerant of moderate shade, an excellent choice as an understory shrub. Expect smaller numbers of flowers.

Large… For larger gardens pick your choice of either ‘Alice’ or ‘Allison’. Both grow 12-15 feet tall and wide with enormous 12 inch cone-shaped flower clusters may be longer than 12 inches. Additionally, Alison’s” handsome burgundy fall foliage. A third tall variety is ‘Harmony at 10 foot tall . Individual florets of panicles are densely packed,

Medium… One of the most popular oakleaf hydrangeas was introduced in 1971 when nurseryman Eddie Aldridge patented a cultivar that had double flowers. Snowflake grows 8 feet high and wide and the double florets bloom longer than other cultivars. Snow Queen is an equal beauty with single-flowered panicles and upright shrub form.

‘Little Honey’

Small… Two of the best dwarf oakleaf hydrangea cultivars are ‘Ruby Slippers and ‘Munchkin’ are plants that feature the desired qualities of their larger relatives, but in compact form. Munchkin’s blooms open white, as all oakleaf varieties do, and gradually turn pink with age. Ruby Slipper’s bears white flowers that fade to pale pink and finish rose color. Both shrubs grow to 5 to 5 ½ feet after 7-10 years. These dwarf forms are perfect for large containers on decks and patio.

And lastly… ‘Little Honey’, a branch sport of H. quercifolia ‘Pee Wee’, is a unique gold leaf oakleaf hydrangea. This compact spreading beauty grows 3-4 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide and is frequently utilized as an accent plant. Its flowers do not standout, but its gold colored foliage surely does.

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