Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine For A Different Look

Long dense needles of 'Thunderhead' pine

Long dense needles of ‘Thunderhead’ pine

Thunderhead Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’) is compact form of Japanese black pine. At maturity it may reach 20 to 25 feet high and 15 to 20 feet wide (USDA hardiness zones 5b-8). Expect this slow-growing conifer to grow 5 feet height and 4 feet width in 10 years.

By mid-winter its very long silvery candle-like buds slowly begin to emerge from terminal buds and will certainly catch your attention. Thunderhead pine frequently serves as a focal point either planted in the ground or a large container around people areas (decks and patios). It also can be developed into a privacy screen or hedge.

Japanese black pine grows in an average well-drained soil and under full sun. It exhibits exceptional drought tolerance after it’s planted for two years. Thunderhead pine is a favorite with bonsai and topiary enthusiasts who prune or sculpt this long needle conifer. Informally, its natural pyramidal growth habit is unique. No two plants look alike if left unpruned.

Thunderhead thrives along coastal areas in hot dry winds and temperatures; needles hold up to ocean salt spray and further inland to winter’s de-icing salts.

Feed with 1-2 handfuls of 10-10-10 fertilizer (or equivalent) in late winter and mulch lightly for weed suppression and soil moisture retention. Pruning is very infrequent, usually performed to reduce the candle growth in the spring. Disease and pest problems appear to be rare.

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