Archive for April, 2012

Re-blooming Iris For Twice (and More) Flowering

Gardeners who desire more flowering from garden iris (Iris spp.) should be planting re-blooming types. Some cultivars may re-bloom up to three times in one growing season. The re-blooming trait is found both in bearded and beardless irises (I. germanica). Re-bloomers need to be well established for one year, sometimes two, to bloom multi-seasonly. Some […]

Complete Care of Tall Bearded Iris

Most gardeners plant tall bearded iris from late August through October to insure good root development before winter sets in. Spring planting is another option as iris may be purchased in containers. Bare root rhizomes need to soak overnight in water before planting. Bearded irises prefer a sunny location and a slightly acidic well-drained soil. […]

Katsura Tree Comes Home To America

Katsura tree (Cercidophyllum japonicum) is a large 50-60 feet tall tree from Japan and China. Katsura became extinct in North America during the Pleistocene Age and was re-introduced in 1862 by botanist Thomas Hogg. It is truly a beautiful tree, yet is still rarely planted. Katsura is hardy in zones 4-8. It prefers a moist well-drained, compost-rich soil […]