‘Little King’ Birch For Small Gardens

'Little King' River Birch at Daniel Stowe Bot. Garden in NC

Little King, aka Fox Valley™, (Betula nigra ‘Little King’) is a 10-12 foot tall shrubby river birch, which fits into small landscapes. Simple minimal pruning can shape it into a lovely small tree. Little King possesses the desirable traits of  large river birches, including an oft-white exfoliating bark.

River birch exhibits good heat tolerance in the Southeastern U.S. (USDA zones 4-8) and has fewer disease and pest problems than other birches (Betula spp.).  Locate a diminutive ‘Little King’ adjacent to a deck or patio where it can easily viewed by family and guests. Add landscape lighting to highlight ‘Little King’ either in the garden or from inside your home any time of the year.

Grow it in full or partial sunlight (6-hours sunlight recommended). River birch is native to moist river bottom lands, and is not fussy about soil type. Soil pH should be slightly acidic to avoid pale green or chlorotic foliage in late summer from iron or manganese deficiency.

Availability is limited to specialty nurseries on the internet or through special ordering at your local nursery/garden center. It has been available since 1991 and more wholesale nurseries are growing it.

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