Revitalize Pansies Now

Across many areas of the Southern Appalachian region (USDA zones 6 and 7) snowfall has been plentiful this winter, but total rainfall is below normal. It takes 10 inches of snow to equal one inch of rainfall.

Fall planted pansies and violas are now both hungry and thirsty. Provide them with a shot of fertilizer and water. Winter feeding will not injure these hardy plants.

Apply an agricultural grade of fertilizer such as 19-19-19 or equivalent. Do not use a slow release granular product this time of year as the fertilizer prills do not release their nutrient charge in cold soils. Any water soluble fertilizer, including Miracle Gro® or Jacks® brands, are also good choices for feeding pansies and violas. Follow package directions.

Irrigate thoroughly after feeding to wash the nutrients into the soil as well as to re-hydrate plants. Watering also prevents the fertilizer salts from burning the plant foliage.

Withis a few days your listless pansies should perk up during this warm weather spell which we are currently enjoying.

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