Care of Your Poinsettia in the Home

'White Winter Rose' poinsettia

‘Pink Shimmer’ poinsettia

You’ve purchased a beautiful poinsettia and want to give it a proper home for the holidays. Room light, temperature and soil moisture  are the key environmental concerns.

Place your poinsettia either in a bright sunlit room or one receiving an indirect lighting source.  Keep the plant away from heating vents and drafty windows.

In general, poinsettias grow trouble free in today’s modern homes for 4-5 weeks with room temperatures between 68 and 76 °F. Winter heating results a low room humidity and daily light spritzing around plants will help. But limit the amount of mist directly hitting  plant foliage  to avoid mildew disease problems.

Thoroughly water your poinsettia every 5-7 days. A more accurate watering method is to poke your finger into the pot to “feel” soil dryness. Or every 2-3 days, simply pick up the plant to calculate  its weight and moisture needs. If your poinsettia weighs nearly the same from one week to the next, it may have a root problem.

By mid-January the lower leaves may begin shedding. The tasks of repotting and feeding your poinsettia may be in your  future. From this point on, you may decide to pitch the poinsettia or attempt to revive it.

Future blog– more on upkeep and re-blooming your poinsettia to follow in early January.

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