Purchasing The Perfect Poinsettia

One of three posts on poinsettia care: 

Poinsettias delight the eye at this holiday season with their bright red (and many other color choices) leaf-like bracts. The true flowers are the small multiple buds at the base of the bracts.

To select a top quality plant, closely inspect the development of the small flowers. Buds should tightly closed or barely showing few yellow stamens (photo). Once the flowers have fully opened and dried, your poinsettia’s overall health declines.

Before purchasing, inspect the stems and leaf undersides for insects and insect. Don’t buy plants which have pests. The plant foliage should be dark green throughout. If bottom leaves are starting to yellow, don’t buy. The plant should also stand on its own and not be staked or wired.

Don’t shock or damage in transit to your home or a friend’s home. Pre-heat your car and pull up to the door before carrying out the plant from the store.

Next post— “Care of Your Poinsettia in the Home”

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