Rooting Proliferations on Daylilies

Photo: daylily proliferations on old floral scape in late August

Proliferations are small plants which grow on the spent floral scapes of daylilies (Hemerocallus spp.). Not all daylily varieties produce proliferations. Propagating and growing proliferations is a simple way to increase the number of new daylily plants quickly.
Prune off each plantlet from the old floral scape as they form. Stick each one into a prepared ground bed. Label or tag the cultivar from which the proliferation is taken. Over the next two weeks, keep the soil/media moist. The proliferations will expand their roots into the media.
An alternative approach is to set each proliferation into its own 4-6 inch pot containing coarse sand or soil-less media or mix. Keep the media moist and grow new daylily plant into late fall. If you live in a cold winter (USDA zone 6 and colder), bury the pot to prevent serious freeze injury or grow in a protected cold frame. In areas experiencing mild winters (USDA zones 7 and warmer), transplant newly rooted plants into a ground bed before November 1st.
Plantlets should begin flowering within 18-24 months. If, in haste, you had removed the old floral scapes after spring bloom, don’t be in quite a hurry next summer.
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